Thursday, October 2, 2008

Public Hearing for LB1048

Today was the public hearing for implementing LB1048. Trish and I went - we weren't sure what to expect. We just told our stories (the short versions this time since the law has already been passed and we didn't have to convince anyone that our sons were indeed "birthed".)

On the draft of the certificates, we were unhappy with the fact that it read "fetal death" on it in addition to the "Certificate of Birth Resulting in Stillbirth". Seems very redundant and unnecessary. The group discussed that they would be removing that so we were happy with the progress in that area.

We also heard that by law they have to stamp "Deceased" on a birth certificate when someone dies. We were hoping that isn't the case with our certificates - but that is still under discussion.

We also discussed public outreach and hope to follow up after the hearing to see what we can do to get the word out.